Spider Pest Control and Exterminator Ocean County NJ


Spiders are one of the most common pests found in Ocean County, New Jersey. There are over ten thousand species of this arachnid found worldwide. Many of these pests, such as the Black Widow, Brown Recluse, and the Wolf Spider, have venomous bites. They might even decide to start a brand-new family right in your house. Before you know it, every nook and cranny around your home is filled with spiderwebs.

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Many pests, including spiders, begin their lives outside, but invade your living space when they become unsatisfied with their surroundings.  Environmental conditions, the loss of resources, and a variety of other factors can quickly result in an infestation of these pests.  For instance, a lack of moisture, less than ideal temperatures, or even the removal of overgrown weeds from a vacant lot next door can all contribute to an increase in the number of invading insects and arthropods that reside in your New Jersey home or business.

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Wolf Spider

Even worse is that spiders are usually invited by their other pest friends. Unlike other bugs that feed on food that may have been left out or uncovered, spiders actually eat other insects and pests. This means that if you are seeing a lot of spiders, it could mean you have other pest issues you might not know about.

How do spiders get in your home?

Spiders typically enter the home through gaps around door and window frames or through poorly screened, open windows. Another common point of entry is by hitchhiking on boxes or other outdoor items. They typically enter your home looking for prey, such as other spiders, insects, or any other bugs that can be subdued.

A spider’s preferred habitat depends on the species. Some species like moisture and dark, damp areas such as basements and crawl spaces, while others prefer dry, warm areas such as air vents, attics, and upper corners of rooms. All spiders hide in dark areas. The most common sign of a spider infestation is seeing and recognizing the spider itself. They also leave behind webs and cases of eggs.

Because spiders feed on insects they are beneficial, to a point.  Unfortunately, as their populations grow and external conditions change they all too often turn into unwanted house guests. This is when they cease being beneficial. When this happens, it is important to contact a trained professional to help you develop a spider New Jersey Shore pest control plan that will help you manage these creatures.

Why get an experienced exterminator for spiders in my home?

The key to controlling these pests is to understand the needs and wants of the type of pest you are dealing with.  Effective pest control treatment starts with proper identification.  Once the pest is identified, we can work to develop a plan to solve your pest control problems, taking into account the uniqueness of your situation. 

Not only will we will work to understand how the pests have adapted to the environment presented to them and ensure that you are satisfied with the treatment results, but our company will give you the information that could help to prevent problems with this pest in the future.  For instance, the landscaping outside of a home can often create conditions which are conducive to these unwanted pests.

With specific strategies most situations can aesthetically remain unchanged but the minor adjustments take away the micro environments that allow the problem to grow and the entry points where the pest can invade the building.  As an example if your bushes come into direct contact with your home the pests can use these contact points as travel ways to the building, like exit ramps from the highway. Trimming these bushes back away from the building will lessen their ability to invade your home.

Our experts will first identify all of the pests involved, the spiders and their food sources.  Our spider control Ocean County service works by locating their food sources and enacting strategies to rid them of their food supply, we will be able to develop long-term strategies to prevent or lessen future pest problems.  As long they have easy access to food, they will continue to make themselves at home with you.

Signs of a Spider Infestation

You might already know you have a spider infestation, but here are a couple of the most common signs spider exterminators look for in the Jersey Shore area.


Not all spiders make webs, but most of those found inside will make cobwebs in low-traffic areas. Basements, crawl spaces, attic spaces, storage containers, cardboard boxes, window frames and window wells, outdoor light fixtures, and similar areas are excellent candidates for spider activity.


Besides webs, the main sign of spiders is to find one crawling around. The only reason spiders are found inside or near a home is because of their food — insects and other spiders.

Things You Need to Know About Spiders

Around 3000 species of spiders live in North America – probably not that many in the Jersey Shore Area. Most of these are nontoxic to humans, like the yellow sac spider and domestic house spider.

A strong factor used to identify the type of spider you have is their webs:

Tangle Webs: Better known as cobwebs, tangle webs are unorganized and look thrown together. These are made by the Theridiidae family of spiders, which the black widow is a member of.

Tubular Webs: These webs create a tunnel, and are usually found between rocks and caves. These are made by the Segestriidae family of spiders which can be venomous. 

Funnel Webs: Similar in appearance to tubular webs, funnel webs are essentially used  as burrows for the spiders to wait for prey. You will find them between rocks, in plant cover, and other sheltered places. Funnel webs are made by Agelenidae, Dipluridae, and Hexathelidae spiders. Hobo spiders are funnel web building spiders. 

Spiral Webs: The most common type of spider web, the spiral orb webs come in two types. There are adhesive and non-adhesive types, both of which are built by Araneidae spiders. Garden spiders are spiral orb web weavers.

Sheet Webs: Being made of individual strands of silk woven into a thick mat, sheet webs are the largest webs that you will see. Despite their size, they are usually home to very small spiders from the Linyphiidae family. These webs will be found in trees and bushes, almost never inside your home. 

There are a couple spiders you need to look out for: 

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The Brown Recluse

  • Most common in the southern states, this spider has a potentially lethal bite.
  • Its venom is necrotic, meaning it kills living tissue. 
  • To identify a brown recluse, look for a sandy brown spider with a dark, violin shaped mark on its body. 
  • This spider will likely be hiding in a dark, secluded area —  hence its name. 
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The Black Widow

  • A common venomous spider in the United States. 
  • Female black widows are much more dangerous than their relatively harmless male counterparts. 
  • A female black widow’s body is about one-half inch long with a trademark red hourglass on the underside of the belly. The rest of the body and the legs are a shiny black color.
  • Drop-for-drop, a female black widow’s venom is thought to be 15 times stronger than rattlesnake venom, although, in most cases, not enough of the spider’s venom is released to be fatal.
  • Unlike the brown recluse’s venom, a black widow’s poison affects the nervous system, not the tissue.

Although most spiders aren’t as dangerous as the brown recluse or black widow, it’s best not to wait too long before seeking professional help if you have a spider infestation.

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How can I get rid of spiders in my home?

There are many preventative measures you can take against a spider infestation. All of these things can help prevent spiders:

  • Keep your house clean can prevent a spider infestation by eliminating spaces for them to hide.
  • Tightly seal all food to prevent potential spider prey from entering your home.
  • Check all window and door frames and screens to ensure these pests can not crawl into them.
  • Remove all vegetation from directly outside of your home, as spiders love to hide in the dark, moist area underneath it.
  • Turn off all outdoor lights; a spider itself does not like the light, but many of the pests it is attracted to are drawn to light.
  • Spray your home with pesticides, but these are ineffective unless the spider drags itself through the pesticide.

However, if you find yourself with a severe infestation, call Patriot Property Restoration, LLC today at 609-549-3058 or contact us now schedule your free inspection. We will eliminate your spider problem and instruct you how to keep your home spider-free in the future.

From there, we will enact a spider control Ocean County program to eliminate the population that has entered your location and then work to prevent future invasions.  Our attention to detail combined with our expertise have allowed our company to help thousands of clients through similar situations, and we are confident that we can do the same for you.

If you are experiencing a problem with spiders or other invading insects, please contact our office to be connected to our specialists who will listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and devise a strategy to eliminate the issue.  We have the best indoor spider control services in Ocean County, New Jersey.

If you have unwelcomed spiders around your home, business or property, trust in Patriot Property Restoration and our spider control service to kill and remove the spiders from your space. We can quickly and efficiently exterminate any infestations, and with our routine maintenance, keep them from coming back. 

Call 609-549-3058 or contact us today to schedule your appointment!